Sunday, October 18, 2009


  1. Awesome video, made me laugh, especially when the woman gave the dollar her to her (snot-nosed) kid.
    Did Mr. Milner ever pay you back those $3???


  2. I really like this video! For my project, I just posted a video of someone picking up a one card, but the editing and music you guys added made the video really effective. The only thing I would change is to make the text more clear.

    Good job Kim Allegra and Bekah!

    CJ Burroughs :)

  3. I like how much time you put into this video. The variety of people you tested proved a much more realistic result!
    -Meredith Woodson

  4. i loved the reation on the people.. like that last guy..
    Evan furth

  5. This lab was really entertaining to watch. The people were great in the different ways they responded to the experiment. Good Job :-)

  6. I like that you actually went out, and dropped money into society. Not just UNCSA, or your hometown, but into society where you don't know the people, but somehow trusting them to return your money. Even if the outcome wasn't that favorable.

    -Johannah Miller

  7. Besides the problems with the interview you guys did a very interesting, creative, and wonderful investigation of social capital. Nice work! Thanks for your hard work!
